A while back, I was reading an online article and the author was going off on a Christian anti-gay tirade. It wasn’t a “God hates fags” tirade, but a tirade nonetheless, laced with plenty of insistence on the Bible’s clear teaching.
I’m not sure what about this particular article on this particular day brought me to this point, but I got pretty worked up, thinking to myself “People are dying! Gay people are dying! They’re turning to drugs and alcohol and they’re committing suicide, often because the Christian community is telling them in one form or another that their sexual orientation isn’t okay. And they’re dying!”
I was surprised by how intense my reaction was. And after settling down from what felt like my own tirade, I started to wonder if I was just overreacting and blowing it completely out of proportion.
And I thought about my own church and how delicately and maturely I think it has handled the issue of homosexuality, not trying to push anything as controversial as reparative therapy and not labeling gay people or making them feel inferior. Not promising that if you just pray hard enough God will change your sexual orientation. And always coming from a standpoint of “this doesn’t define you and it doesn’t affect how God feels about you.”
Sure, there are exceptions. People sometimes make insensitive comments. People can make absolutely asinine comparisons, saying things like “Well it may be in my nature to be prideful, but that doesn’t make it okay” (insert eye-rolling emoticon here). And I actually had to get up and walk out of a sermon once when a great-hearted, amazing young man asserted with great zeal that God says it’s detestable for two men to lie together. (Note to self: don’t get sidetracked here by talking about how God also says it’s detestable to eat shrimp.)
So yes, there are exceptions. But, by and large, the issue is handled with grace and tact and love and compassion.
Of course, it’s still treated as a sin, so people with same-sex attractions need to be okay with a lifetime of celibacy if they’re not interested in a relationship with someone of the opposite sex. After all, my church has never been one to compromise when it comes to the clear teaching of the Bible (it’s that “ultimate truth” thing I talked about previously). And for most of my Christian life, I never understood how a church could possibly be accepting of any form of homosexual relationships.
In fact, when I was a young, overly zealous Christian, I was in Chicago on a business trip with about eight others who had come from different cities. One of the men was gay and he was a Christian. Of course, in my mind, he couldn’t have been a true Christian. And I was stunned to hear that his church’s congregation consisted predominantly of gay and lesbian people. I didn’t even know such a thing existed. (Yes, I was young and somewhat naive, but keep in mind this was also a long time ago and homosexuality was much more taboo at the time than it is now.)
Needless to say, he and I had some intense and heated exchanges. They were totally civil and there were never any personal attacks, but they were heated nonetheless. At least on my end they were. In retrospect, he was strangely calm and at peace and he didn’t seem at all bent on changing my point of view.
We waded through several scriptures in an engaging debate of sorts. Some of his explanations were fairly well backed up, but others seemed entirely spurious to me at the time. Finally, I pointed out that all those passages didn’t really matter, because the apostle Paul clearly says that homosexuals will not inherit the kingdom of God. Issue settled. Case closed.
His response? “We believe that we will.”
I’m pretty sure my blood pressure went through the roof after such a ridiculous comment. In my mind, I was screaming “Who cares what you believe?!?! That’s not what the Bible says!”
My intentions were genuine. And so was my zeal. But time, experience, and reflection all have a way of changing our understanding and perspective – if we’re receptive. If we’ll consider the fact that God may actually be trying to move us in a new direction.
I think about the intentions and zeal of those who are currently upholding the church’s traditional stance on homosexuality – at least when it’s done with love and compassion and doesn’t involve people carrying around “God hates fags” signs. And I believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that people are genuine. They desire to do what they believe is right in the eyes of God and to uphold the clear teaching of the Bible.
But I’ve gotten to a point where I think phrases like “clear teaching of the Bible” can be hugely problematic, for many reasons.
For example, I really think it would behoove us all to consider that hundreds of years ago when Galileo put forth that the earth was not the center of a three-tiered universe, the well-meaning church tried him for going against the authority of the scriptures and twisting them to fit his own agenda. The church then deemed him a heretic and would’ve had him put to death if he hadn’t recanted. Even after he did recant, he still had to spend the rest of his life under house arrest.
Can you even imagine? And all because he wanted to tell people that the sun didn’t revolve around the earth? What difference does that make, anyway?
The problem is, this Galileo example is so patently absurd to us that people will say “But homosexuality is different.” I have a couple things to say about that.
First, Galileo’s unfortunate situation was anything but absurd at the time. It was a thing. And clearly a very big thing. Because it brought into question the very understanding of truth as thought to be defined by the scriptures. And that can feel scary and dangerous.
Where I come from, we warn of the dangers of twisting the scriptures to fit one’s own agenda. And that’s precisely what the church thought Galileo was doing. He was charged with “glozing the said scriptures according to (his) own meaning,” and thus putting forth a teaching that was “contrary to the Holy Scriptures.”
Secondly, yes, the issue of homosexuality is different than our planet’s location in the universe. When we say it’s different, though, we mean it’s more serious. We say things like “It’s a salvation issue.” The implication is that we’re playing around with eternity in hell and so it’s not to be taken lightly. I get it.
But I also think we make a lot of assumptions around that view and base it largely on Paul’s assertion that homosexuals won’t inherit the kingdom of God. Personally, I’ve come to believe that what Paul and many of his contemporaries defined as the kingdom of God was far different than what a lot of Christians today think the kingdom is. And with all due respect for one of the greatest contributors to the New Testament, Paul didn’t always know what he was talking about (I realize such a comment might be controversial, so I’ll discuss it in another post).
Meanwhile, I’ll put forth that the church likely did see the situation with Galileo as a salvation issue. It’s certainly not out of the question, given the intense reaction and the claim that his teachings were “contrary to the true sense and authority of the Holy Scriptures.”
Typically, when I’ve considered issues throughout history where the church and many Bible believers were ultimately shown to be wrong in their use of the scriptures – the Galileo debacle is merely one of many – my tendency has been to assume that if I’d been around at the time, I would’ve had the proper understanding of the Bible. Sure, the church as an institution may have been jacked up and clearly “majoring in the minors,” but I wouldn’t have been. I would’ve been on the side that, over time, came out on the right side of the issue. In other words, I would’ve been standing up for Galileo all along. Or the slaves. Or the Jewish people. Or the African Americans. Or…
After all, who doesn’t like to be right, right?
Well, I’m no longer going to assume I wouldn’t have been holding dogmatically to a “biblically based” position that would ultimately fall by the wayside as time marched on and people evolved in their understanding of what was right or true. I now realize that such an assumption would require an embarrassing level of arrogance on my part. And this is partly why I no longer think that what I’ve historically believed to be true about homosexuality “in God’s eyes” is actually right.
As far as it being a salvation issue – the implication being that anyone in a homosexual relationship is at risk of spending eternity in hell – maybe we should consider the hell that’s being created here and now for the affected people.
Maybe we should consider that our current Bible – in most Christian denominations, anyway – consists of 66 books, composed over the course of nearly a thousand years and yet, when taken as a whole, there are very few references to what we call eternity, let alone our typical, modern understanding of salvation, heaven, and hell. (I’ve become fascinated lately with the evolution of Christianity and how it seems that it was only over time that a primary focus on the afterlife emerged).
So was I overreacting to the anti-gay tirade I mentioned earlier? I don’t think so. People are dying. And many more are experiencing extreme pain, suffering, and turmoil because of dogmatic beliefs – either their own or those of others – that in the grand scheme of things could very well be as irrelevant as the understanding of our planet’s location in the universe.
We may be tempted to laugh at the absurdity of the Galileo misfortune, but I’m pretty sure no one was laughing back then.
Maybe there’s something we can learn by looking at the mistakes that have been made throughout the history of Christianity and humbly considering that we likely would’ve been on the wrong side of those issues as well, all the while quoting our Bibles to prove our position.