From the Ashes: Rebuilding a Spiritual Life After a Religious Deconstruction
Coming soon!
From the Ashes: Rebuilding a Spiritual Life After a Religious Deconstruction offers a compassionate and illuminating exploration of spirituality beyond the confines of conventional religion. With grace, wisdom, and vulnerability, the author encourages readers to re-engage with their spirituality in ways that feel deeply meaningful and personal.
Blending timeless spiritual traditions with modern reflections, this quick yet profound read creates space for embracing the mystery, wonder, and magic that life has to offer. Each chapter offers gentle guidance for navigating the challenges of a post-deconstruction landscape and rediscovering a path that feels authentic and vibrant.
For those on the outside of traditional religious frameworks or seeking a deeper, more expansive spiritual experience, From the Ashes is a journey of renewal that speaks to the seeker within us all.
Eyes to See: An Afternoon Primer for Reclaiming the Good News of the Gospel
Coming soon!
Prepare for a transformative journey of discovery with Eyes to See, where author David Lundgren invites readers on a thought-provoking exploration of Christianity that sparks a reexamination of traditional narratives.
Delving into key elements of the Christian faith, the book offers rich historical insight that inspires curiosity and deepens understanding. From the origins of substitutionary atonement to the nature of salvation, each chapter challenges readers to reconsider long-held beliefs and contemplate alternative viewpoints.
But Eyes to See isn’t just about questioning—it’s about finding opportunity within the discomfort of those questions. Through engaging and compelling explorations, Lundgren encourages readers toward an openness that welcomes mystery, fluidity, and ambiguity.
Whether you’re feeling disillusioned with rigid dogma or simply seeking fresh perspectives on your faith, Eyes to See invites you to open your heart and mind to new horizons. Are you ready to see Christianity in a whole new light?
Brand New Day: How Questioning the Answers Rocked My World, Reformed My Faith, and Released My Soul
For many Christians, there comes a time when knowledge, experience, or a subtle longing for something more comes into conflict with what their faith has allowed. Unfortunately, the common paradigms of Christianity and the Bible don’t always offer hope when this happens, often leaving people with the perceived choices of straying from the straight and narrow or merely clinging to the status quo, perhaps even out of fear or guilt.
After nearly 20 years of living with a faith that provided certainty, David Lundgren was faced with embracing the status quo or listening to the restless heart that told him it was time to question the answers. He listened, never expecting the consuming, challenging, and painful – yet rewarding – experience that was ahead.
Part memoir and part academic journey, Brand New Day recounts the powerful transformation of one conservative, evangelical man’s faith as he “wrestled with God” by questioning traditional answers, following where the path led, and fighting through the repercussions to ultimately break free from things he didn’t even realize held his faith captive.
Available in paperback and on Amazon Kindle.